
Welcome to Ahead's blog (Ahead's website is http://www.ahead.org.uk>

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Laptops Appeal
AHEAD is looking for used/refurbished laptops to deliver training to disadvantaged people in London and Ethiopia. The laptops will be used to train people in IT skills, basic/functional skills, employability skills etc. The laptops can be sent to:

Coral Jepson
Low Hall Nursery School and Children's Centre
Queens Road Community Centre
215 Queens Road
London E17 8PJ
Tel: 020 8496 2442

If the donor cannot pay for posting the laptop, AHEAD will pay for the postage cost. For further information or enquiries, please contact Elfneh Bariso via elfneh@gmail.com or 0794 659 2607. AHEAD will let donors know as to how the laptops they donated will be used, as soon as the project will start.
To find out about AHEAD's activities, please go to http://www.aheadcharity.org/

AHEAD will run courses face-to-face and online from a community centre in east London. We are also raising funds to build a community training centre in a deprived area in Ethiopia to deliver training there as well. Once both centres established, we'll make connections between the two centres and also with similar projects across the globe. Any suggestions and support with the implementation of this project in terms of gathering resources and making links with various projects will be appreciated. AHEAD needs IT resources and some money to transport the resources, put the laptops on a network and connect them to the Internet; design and deliver the right courses; mobilise experts who can contribute to our efforts.

Thank you